Liebster Blog Award

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Liebster Blog Award

Praise be to our Lord and Saviour to bless us with the poetry ability. Daylight Tune ministry teams receives this Liebster Blog Award with gratitude and thankfulness to my Lord Jesus Christ and to Soad at to nominate us. My ministry teams are honoured to receive this nomination.

Here are the rules of the award :

Accept the award, post the picture of the Liebster Award on the top of your post and say who nominated you for the award and list their blog site.

List 11 random facts about yourself.

Nominate 11 other bloggers for the Liebster Award and list their blog sites.

Notify the bloggers of their award.

Ask the award winners 11 questions to answer when they accept their Liebster Award.

Answer the questions left for you by the blogger who gave you the award.

11 Random Facts about myself:

  1. I receive Christ at the age of 19
  2. Weird that people say I look cute, but I feel nothing when I look myself
  3. Baggy clothes are my favourite due to its comfort whenever there is a wind
  4. I would prefer to stay at home rather than going out
  5. Whenever I go out, I have a purpose either to meet friend or buy things
  6. Quietness and in solitude I find my strength from my Lord
  7. Noisy places repel me
  8. Though I am a quiet person, I would prefer to walk with the crowds for my own safety
  9. While talking in the phone, I always listen but the talker finds me so quiet and wonders whether I am listening.
  10. Daylight Tune Ministry is birthed with my friend, Yoshiko and I disliked being the team leader due to more responsibility. Thank Yoshiko for taking up the Foreign Communication minister when I am overwhelmed with this overall ministry, setting up the standard, archiving, and other miscellaneous administrative tasks.
  11. I love the Manga by Next Manga teams who are illustrating the whole Bible because I am a visual person.

11 Questions we have to answer from Soad:

  1. What is your nickname? Pup
  2. What kind of music do you listen to? Classical, Symphony, Pop
  3. Who were you in high school? I’m the shortest and my friends can’t find me even when I’m nearby.
  4. How many books do you own? Around 100 books or more
  5. Do you like e-books? I would still prefer printed books, e-books are good when I go out
  6. What’s your favorite food? Takoyaki
  7. What do you drink in the morning? Tea (All kind of tea)
  8. What is your favorite color? Bright Colours
  9. Favorite song Peaceful songs
  10. Do you like the name you were given at birth? Yes
  11. Do the ends justify the means? Yes. It will show whether the gain is through honest means.

11 Questions for our Award Winners are

  1. Who do you belief in?
  2. Are you an outgoing or introvert person?
  3. What do you think yourself as?
  4. How do people describe you?
  5. Which is the best job that you ever worked before?
  6. Do you have any strong memories with your previous and current job?
  7. Do you take naps?
  8. When do you contemplate?
  9. Where is your favourite place to relax?
  10. What time do you sleep?
  11. How is your day today upon receiving this award?

We award 11 nominees to:


God bless you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

About Hikari Yori

All I want and wish is to depend upon the LIGHT (LORD Jesus Christ) who has saved my soul.

17 responses »

  1. Congratulations. All the requirements are just too much work for me as I will be 64 in June.

  2. Hello Hikori – first off, congratulations 🙂

    Thank you also for nominating me for this award. Both Yoshiko and you are always so sweet.

    Reading through your answers, I’ve learnt a bit more about you and the blog arrangement with Yoshiko. Thank you for this sharing, which I appreciate.

    Have a great weekend dear,

    • Wow 🙂 Thank you for your compliment. Eric, we wish you have a great and blessed weekend.

      Hikari Yori

  3. Congratulations~ Cheers!! 😀

  4. Pingback: MORE AWARDS FOR YOU ALL! | soumyav

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