Tag Archives: Bet

Small to Mountain

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This sharing may sound quite absurd and extreme. This was during my teenage years when I was 17 years old and pre-believer phase of life. Playing cards is fun with my family. Whoever loses will shuffle the cards and/or drink water. But when I play with my friends, the one who lose will drink water. After three rounds, they choose to play with money by betting ten cents. The winner will get ten cents from every player. From then on, I refuse to join whenever it involves money. So I just sat there and watch them play. This is because I feel that gambling starts from small.

Sin also starts from small. Saving money also starts from small amounts. Small amounts accumulated consistently will make a big mountain.

With the rise of casino in a few countries such as Los Angelos, Macau, Malaysia Genting, and recently Singapore, don’t we need to take extra- measure of carefulness and vigilance to guard our heart and mind? What do you all think?