Tag Archives: creativity


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Feeling lost
Fatigue sets in
Setbacks in life
Lost in problem solving?

Spend time with family and pets
Do housework
Sweep and Mop the floor

Walk out of the house
Left the nest temporarily
To enjoy a breezing wind
Looking up to the vast sky
Changing in colour and weather
Birds fly and chirp around
Observing the streets and crowds
Children walk with their families
Playing children on the open green lush
Take note of every small details
Spend time with relatives and friends

All these may instil
A spark of ideas into thoughts
Singing hearts and minds
Creative idea to express in
Beautiful words
Innovative solutions
Composing melodious music and songs
Composing pictures and paintings

Open up to imagination, impossibilities and beauty
Sensing the joy of living
Marvelling at the grandeur creation
Worshipping the Creator of the whole universe and galaxy
Praising His marvellous creative hands
Alive in His great mercy
Daily lives are more enjoyable
Creativity encircles our daily lives

Inspiration On: Monday, 7 October 2013 at 11:37pm
Inspiration Ends On: Tuesday, 8 October 2013 at 12:29am

Super Sweet Blogger Award

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Super Sweet Blogging Award

With gratitude and thankfulness to my Lord Jesus Christ and to Soad at http://soadhachami.wordpress.com/2013/05/02/nominated-for-the-super-sweet-blogger-award-dragon-loyalty-award/ to nominate me for the Super Sweet Blogging Award. I (Yoshiko) and Hikari Yori are honoured for the nomination.

The rules to this award (for me and all nominees) are:

1. Thank the Super Sweet Blogger that nominated them

2. Answer five super sweet questions

3. Include the Super Sweet Blogging award image in your blog post

4. Nominate a baker’s dozen (13) other bloggers

5. Notify your nominees on their blog

My five (5) sweet questions are:

1. Cookies or Cake? Both as long as according to my taste.

2. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla

3. Favorite Sweet Treat? Peppermint or Chocó mint ice-cream.

4. When do you crave sweet things the most? Seldom.

5. Sweet Nick Name? Flower

My 13 nominees are (Not in order):

  1. http://mydomainpvt.wordpress.com/
  2. http://carldagostino.wordpress.com
  3. http://call2read.com
  4. http://cindyknoke.com/
  5. http://soumyav.wordpress.com
  6. http://cncfashionaccessories.wordpress.com
  7. http://suziehall.wordpress.com/
  8. http://johannisthinking.com
  9. http://fullofrosesinspirationals.wordpress.com
  10. http://bettygeneric.wordpress.com
  11. http://ashleycameronwriting.wordpress.com/
  12. http://ravenousforlife.wordpress.com/
  13. http://highfiveandraspberries.wordpress.com

God bless you all.

Sunshine Award

Sunshine Award
I would like to thank my Lord Jesus Christ and to thank

  1. Tamara (http://tipprblog.com) to nominate me for the Sunshine Award
  2. Soad (http://soadhachami.wordpress.com) to nominate Daylight Tune Ministry for the Sunshine Award.

I am surprised and privileged to receive this award.

Here are the rules:

Include the award’s logo in a post or on your Blog.
Link to the person who nominated you.
Answer 10 questions about yourself.
Nominate 10 Bloggers.
Link your nominees to the post and comment on their Blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.

Ten questions about me :

Favorite color: Though I like white, gray, and black colour before, now I love bright colours – sky blue, pink, green, orange
Favorite animal: Dog, Cat, Hamster, Bird
Favorite number: 3 (My birthday month)
Favorite non-alcoholic drink: Tea
Favorite alcoholic drink: None (Because their taste repels my tongue and throat)
Favorite types of music: Classical, Symphony, Pop
My passion(s): Thinking, Contemplating, Reading, Doodling, Write
Prefer getting or giving presents: Giving presents because I hope that my giving will bless the receiver
Favorite cities: Any cities with beautiful scenery
Favorite TV show: Mission Impossible

My 10 nominees are:  (Not in order)
1. http://johannisthinking.com
2. http://patcegan.wordpress.com
3. http://lesleycarter.wordpress.com
4. http://call2read.com
5. http://cncfashionaccessories.wordpress.com/
6. http://valeriudgbarbu.wordpress.com
7. http://soumyav.wordpress.com
8. http://ericalagan.net
9. http://renardmoreau.wordpress.com
10. http://soadhachami.wordpress.com

Wish you all have blessed days.

Amazing Contrast

Darkness fall
Bright window
Bats fly across
Bats crunch fruits

Light shines
Dark window
Birds on rooftop
Birds chirp gladly

Such a deep contrast
A contrast of amazing
God’s handiworks
God’s creativity

Inspiration On: Tuesday, 11 September 2012 at 10:22am
Inspiration Ends On: Thursday, 20 September 2012 at 11am

As I observe the surrounding since young, words came to my mind “Darkness fall”. Later on, more creatures were included on Wednesday. Despite all these times, the last two words came on Thursday morning.


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… Brain …
Is it my brain?
Is it from my brain?
Is it really from my brain?

It is the brain that
The Lord blesses me with
When I was in my mother’s womb.

Where is my brain?
What should I do with it?
How should I use it?
Why do I need to use it?
When do I need to use it?

Brain is in my head.
Brain is inside the skull.
Brain is protected by the skull.
How marvellous is God’s creation.

I should use it for God’s glory
I should use it to please God
I should use to do His will
I should use to be responsibly.
I should use to care for the nature.
I should use it to not to abuse my power.

I need to use it by exercising my brain
I need to use it for my development as well
I need to use it whenever I can
I need to use it to fill God’s Word
I need to use it to ponder God’s Word
I need to use it when to put God’s Word into actions.

For His glory.
For He is the One who gives us
The wisdom of creativity
The wisdom of improving lives
The wisdom to care for one another
The wisdom to tend and care the earth
The wisdom to solve problems

Inspiration On: Thursday, 5 January 2012 at 11:25pm to 11:30pm

Revised On: Saturday, 7 January 2012 at 12:50am & Tuesday 10 January 2012 at 4:04pm to 4:25pm

The sudden word “brain” gives me inspiration and the above inspiration comes naturally to me, and to understand God better and grow in my faith in Jesus Christ, my Lord.

I see that it is crucial for us to know that we are His creations and we need to depend in Him to grow in wisdom from above and how God gives us the ability to produce wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18a). The Scriptures shows how God blesses people with wisdom and understanding in terms of skills, knowledge and creating the tabernacle and the priestly garments (Exodus 28:2-4; 31:2-4; 35:30-32).