Tag Archives: Wisdom




Inspiration On: Friday, 6 December 2013 at 5:01pm
Inspiration On: Monday, 10 February 2014 at 3:50am

“Sow” enabled me to produce the definition of its acronym. Thanks for reading my poetry and hope this poetry minister and bless you.


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We find strength in our faith
We depend on God’s wisdom
When we find our purpose and meaning
In our Lord Jesus Christ.

Inspiration On: Monday, 6 May 2013 at 12:42pm
Inspiration Ends On: Friday, 10 May 2013 at 2:30am

According to the dictionary, swim means:
1. To move through water by means of the limbs, fins, or tail.
2. To move as though gliding through water.
3. To float on water or another liquid.

In God, we find meaning in Him then His strength and wisdom comfort us as we walk in His will.

Shine Fine

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God’s forgiveness shines upon me
His love fines my heart
God’s love shines into me
His Word fines my mind
God’s wisdom shines into me
His strength fines my weakness
His greatness shines out of me
His testimony fines others
His grace shines into me
His fear fines my heart.

Inspiration On: Wednesday, 24 April 2013 at 1pm
Inspiration On: Saturday, 27 April 2013 at 4:54am

As I contemplate upon “shine”, “fine” spoke to me. It gives me the impression of God’s grace shine upon us and we will be fine. Upon revisiting it again, nothing flowed out. But on Saturday, words flowed out progressively.

A Baby

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A baby is a good mimicker
A baby is a mirror reflection
Of what the parents portray
Of what actions are observed

A baby is dependent
A baby is trusting
On those who take care
On those who nurture

How much more the nurturer needs Jesus Christ
How much more the nurturer needs to depend in Christ
How much more the nurturer needs God’s strength
How much more the nurturer needs God’s wisdom
How much more the nurturer needs to give good examples
How much more the nurturer needs to walk the talk
How much more the nurturer needs to lead properly

Above all, the nurturer needs God’s nurture
Nurture to fear and revere God
Nurture to listen and obey God with their daily lives
A daily life as a daily sacrifice to God.

Inspiration On: Thursday, 12 July 2012 at 2:23am to 3:36am

The actions of my cute toddler suddenly came upon me as I was dozing off. When he took my lip balm and swiftly apply it onto his lips due my niece apply my mother’s lip moisturiser onto his. Then another occasion of taking out the weighing machine under my parents’ bed to weigh himself due to whenever my brother enters the room often takes it out and weigh himself. The third occasion was observing my parents to wipe legs with the blue cloth on the floor. Upon hearing the words to wipe his legs, he runs into my parents’ room and immediately stomps onto that cloth. But the helper intends to wipe his legs with another cloth. Fourth occasion is to spray perfume onto his armpits knowing it smelly due to perspiration whenever he got a hold of my mum’s perfume.

Those actions amuse me and make me laugh whenever my family talk about it or suddenly playing visually in mind.

These reminded me of Deuteronomy 6:5-7 (NASB), “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.”

A Parents’ Prayer

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O Lord, please grant me
Your wisdom and strength
How to take care the
Little one whom You have
Blessed me with, and whom
You entrusts in my care.

Prayer On: Wednesday, 13 June 2012 at 1:20pm

Ever since I was pregnant and now my toddler is 23 months old, I am faced with a tremendous pressure how to bring up the new life in my care. Praying to God, reading parenting books and applies the method. I have been trying various methods to handle my active toddler. It is upon the point of my desperation, a book by James Dobson titled, “The New Dare To Discipline” excerpts give me the answers when I went to another church for workshop. Now, I am reading it and realize my mistakes for always letting my toddler in his ways before until he bullied me. As I change my method, his attitude and behaviour is getting better. I really thank God for the book and thankful for Dr. James Dobson to share his way of disciplining his child and how his parents disciplined him.

In You

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In You, O Lord Jesus, I place my trust
Trusting the saving of my soul

In You I depend
In You I pray
In You I find peace
In You I find wisdom
In You I find strength
In You I find I can overcome
In You I find I can cross the mountain of obstacles

In You, O Lord
In You, O Lord
In You, I want to stay
In the shadows of Your wings.

Inspiration On: Wednesday, 9 May at 6am
Revised On: Monday, 14 May 2012 at 4:51pm

The above inspiration is singing in my heart as I was going to sleep.

Playing Pointing Finger Game

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To play pointing finger game
Baby turns out to point to things
To express his curiosity and
To express his needs, feelings, and wants.

To play pointing finger game
Helps baby to understand and to get
To know himself and his
Surroundings, environments, objects better and also to
Point the location to go.

To play pointing finger game
Can solve his dilemma to express oneself
And to avoid frustration to
Express so reduces his cries and wailings.

Playing pointing finger game is
The best way to learn more of
His or her own body.

Inspiration On: Monday, 30 January 2012
Revised On: Tuesday, 31 January 2012 at 5am

When my baby was around eight months old, I played a pointing finger game with him. I grasped his hand and use his finger to point himself by singing his name, and then point to myself to identify, “mama” to him. He is so excited and chuckled. Now, my baby is nineteen months often getting near the buttons to touch it. So this reminded me of the consequence of sin mentioned in Numbers 5:30-31; 9:12-14; 18:21-23; 30:14-16; Ezekiel 16:57-59; 23:34-36,48-49; 44:9-13.Afterwards, he often points to the aircon to signal my parents to switch it on, and points to cats and dogs on the streets to know what is its names.

In the Old Testament and New Testament, there are lots of Scriptures mentioning sowing and reaping. So whatever is taught to a child, it will bear fruit in the child because all a child do is to observe and follow what is done before his eyes. This makes me realize the importance of my heart and performance as my child’s good example. And I have been pondering about it and pray to the Lord on high to seek His wisdom in guiding the precious child He blesses me with.

To Or Not To

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To spend or not to spend
To have or not to have
To think or not to think
To fight or not to fight
To overcome or not to overcome
To fly or not to fly
To jump or not to jump
To believe or not to believe my eyes and ears.

To spend our money or to save it
To have children or not to have
To think about our problems or not to think about it
To fight back to keep marriage intact or let it broken
To overcome our own darkest moments or not to do so
To board an airplane or not fearful of accident
To jump out of the wrecked ship or remain in it
To believe or not to believe the words we hear and the events we see with our eyes.

These are the questions and doubts
Which keep us in a dilemma?

No matter what happens
Let us overcome our obstacles in life
Praying to our Abba Father for wisdom and guidance
And to do what is right in His sight.
In His Son’s most beloved Name above all names.

Inspiration On: Thursday, 16 February 2012 at 4:57pm
Revised On: Thursday, 23 February 2012 at 1:14am

The above inspiration came as I was considering to buy USB fan at Challenger due to my fan was moved away by my husband for my toddler’s safety sake. As I pondered about this, many people are going through times

  1. Whether to spend their money
  2. Whether to have children
  3. Whether to solve their problems
  4. Whether to keep their marriage successful

This is because we are living in an imperfect world. So we can only seek God and seek His help.


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… Brain …
Is it my brain?
Is it from my brain?
Is it really from my brain?

It is the brain that
The Lord blesses me with
When I was in my mother’s womb.

Where is my brain?
What should I do with it?
How should I use it?
Why do I need to use it?
When do I need to use it?

Brain is in my head.
Brain is inside the skull.
Brain is protected by the skull.
How marvellous is God’s creation.

I should use it for God’s glory
I should use it to please God
I should use to do His will
I should use to be responsibly.
I should use to care for the nature.
I should use it to not to abuse my power.

I need to use it by exercising my brain
I need to use it for my development as well
I need to use it whenever I can
I need to use it to fill God’s Word
I need to use it to ponder God’s Word
I need to use it when to put God’s Word into actions.

For His glory.
For He is the One who gives us
The wisdom of creativity
The wisdom of improving lives
The wisdom to care for one another
The wisdom to tend and care the earth
The wisdom to solve problems

Inspiration On: Thursday, 5 January 2012 at 11:25pm to 11:30pm

Revised On: Saturday, 7 January 2012 at 12:50am & Tuesday 10 January 2012 at 4:04pm to 4:25pm

The sudden word “brain” gives me inspiration and the above inspiration comes naturally to me, and to understand God better and grow in my faith in Jesus Christ, my Lord.

I see that it is crucial for us to know that we are His creations and we need to depend in Him to grow in wisdom from above and how God gives us the ability to produce wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18a). The Scriptures shows how God blesses people with wisdom and understanding in terms of skills, knowledge and creating the tabernacle and the priestly garments (Exodus 28:2-4; 31:2-4; 35:30-32).

Dark of the Night

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In the dark of the night
My soul ponders
Ponders about life
Life’s uncertainties
Uncertain about what the future hold.
Holding onto something tangible

But there is more than life
More than what is seen.
Faith, hope, and love are what
I need most in this life.

What can I do in the midst of my busyness?
Now is night
In the dark of the night
All I can do is to
Attune my soul with
The Lord on High
Seeking His will
Seeking His face
Seeking His approval
Seeking His favour
Seeking His love
Seeking His voice and guidance
Seeking His strength
Seeking His wisdom
Seeking His protection
Hoping in Him
To enable me to finish
My life well.

Inspiration On: Saturday, 03 September 2011

Then I commended mirth, because a man hath no better thing under the sun, than to eat, and to drink, and to be merry: for that shall abide with him of his labour the days of his life, which God giveth him under the sun. When I applied mine heart to know wisdom, and to see the business that is done upon the earth: (for also there is that neither day nor night seeth sleep with his eyes:) Then I beheld all the work of God, that a man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun: because though a man labour to seek it out, yet he shall not find it; yea farther; though a wise man think to know it, yet shall he not be able to find it. Ecclesiastes 8:15-17 (KJV)

The above scripture resonates in my heart as I go through everyday life busy with my baby, tidying house, spending time with my family and even catching up with my friends. Seems that everyday is always busy.

Nowadays, the source of my inspiration comes from the book of Psalms where the Psalmist hope in God and in His Word during the night, which can be seen from Psalm 119:147-149 (CEB), “I meet the predawn light and cry for help. I wait for your promise. My eyes encounter each hour of the night as I think about your word. Listen to my voice, according to your faithful love. LORD, make me live again, according to your justice.”