Tag Archives: Bird


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Bird’s pie drops
Onto the floor 
In front of me

Bird’s pie drops
Onto my
Transparent umbrella

A ripe fruit 
Drops but Hits
Onto my head
End its destination 
On the pedestrian footpath 

Life is full of
Unpredictable events
For us to
Decide and Choose
Either Good or Bad fertilizers
Insert into our 
Insert into our 
Innermost minds and hearts

Creeping inside before it is
Ripe and blooms
Beware the root grows inside

Inspiration On: Wednesday, 26 March 2014 at 4:17pm to 4:28pm
Inspiration Ends On: Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 12:25pm

First and second stanza happened during my college years, but the fifth stanza birth out today to earn the final destination of the inner root from within. God bless you all for reading my poetry to minister. 

Dark to Bright

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Dark cave
Dark pit
Pit full of darkness
Abyss of darkness
A place to relinquish
Darkness of hearts
Leaving the dark pit

Welcoming the new dawn
As the sun sparkles the forest
Forest full of fresh air
Sparkling flowers
Sparkling trees
Sparkling grasses
Beautiful scent
Singing chirping birds
Lions and lambs sit peacefully
Peaceful atmosphere
Burst with praises to God
Bow in worship to the Lamb of God
Awaiting the new world.

Inspiration On: Tuesday, 21 May 2013 from 12:49am to 1:14am

This began with,
“Dark pit
Pit full of darkness
Abyss of darkness” as the other words flowed out. Then I was inspired from Revelations where the animals dwell with each other in peace.

Amazing Contrast

Darkness fall
Bright window
Bats fly across
Bats crunch fruits

Light shines
Dark window
Birds on rooftop
Birds chirp gladly

Such a deep contrast
A contrast of amazing
God’s handiworks
God’s creativity

Inspiration On: Tuesday, 11 September 2012 at 10:22am
Inspiration Ends On: Thursday, 20 September 2012 at 11am

As I observe the surrounding since young, words came to my mind “Darkness fall”. Later on, more creatures were included on Wednesday. Despite all these times, the last two words came on Thursday morning.


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Tingling, flutter, tingling again, flutter
Turning head to left, right, up, down
To find that tingling source

A bird flutters around with
Tingling sounds as it is flying from
Table to table and chairs

Strange to hear tingling sound
As that bird flutters around these premises
How come got such sound?

That bird captures my attention
My eyes scan through as it flutters
A sphere is at its leg

A little shiny silver bell
Is tied onto its side yellow leg
Mixed feelings toward that bird
It looks cute but also feel pity
For its plight with bell.

Inspiration On: Thursday, 24 April 2012 at 3:40pm to 9:30pm
Revised On: Tuesday, 29 May 2012 at 2:03am

My husband noticed such event. As he explained it in Mandarin, “flutter” came into my mind followed by “tingling”. Then I imagined myself in his spot to capture the feelings for the above haiku.

How many times does God need to capture our attentions through His beautiful creations and through difficult situations? (Genesis 1-2 and Hebrews 4:15-16)

Words by Dimple Shahri

Nothing is too much for me to bear compare to what Jesus had to bear for me.

As I give to others, I give God space to bless me.

If God can start something in your life, He really knows how to end it!

Jesus gave all so we can receive all.

When life seems hard and we feel like giving up, at least live for the One who died for you so u might live!

Jesus alway see us as winners not quitters!

Jesus believes in you when you don’t even believe in yourself.

One bird has a whole big massive field to eat from. Everywhere it goes, it sees abundance. What more us who are more precious than those birds. So open your eyes and see the abundance the Father has for you.

Sometimes we feel the enemy is running after us, maybe he is but we have to know where he is running… On a threadmill my friend. He can’t catch you or hold you. He will always remain a loser. God is good.

The days of my life is in the hands of God, so why should I be afraid! Jesus is with me.

God hears, sees and knows. Remember He gave those eyes, ears, and mind to you.

Devil.. don’t you dare mess around with me or you will be messy!
Inspired on: 2006
Where: Australia, Sydney