Tag Archives: Precious

Playing Pointing Finger Game

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To play pointing finger game
Baby turns out to point to things
To express his curiosity and
To express his needs, feelings, and wants.

To play pointing finger game
Helps baby to understand and to get
To know himself and his
Surroundings, environments, objects better and also to
Point the location to go.

To play pointing finger game
Can solve his dilemma to express oneself
And to avoid frustration to
Express so reduces his cries and wailings.

Playing pointing finger game is
The best way to learn more of
His or her own body.

Inspiration On: Monday, 30 January 2012
Revised On: Tuesday, 31 January 2012 at 5am

When my baby was around eight months old, I played a pointing finger game with him. I grasped his hand and use his finger to point himself by singing his name, and then point to myself to identify, “mama” to him. He is so excited and chuckled. Now, my baby is nineteen months often getting near the buttons to touch it. So this reminded me of the consequence of sin mentioned in Numbers 5:30-31; 9:12-14; 18:21-23; 30:14-16; Ezekiel 16:57-59; 23:34-36,48-49; 44:9-13.Afterwards, he often points to the aircon to signal my parents to switch it on, and points to cats and dogs on the streets to know what is its names.

In the Old Testament and New Testament, there are lots of Scriptures mentioning sowing and reaping. So whatever is taught to a child, it will bear fruit in the child because all a child do is to observe and follow what is done before his eyes. This makes me realize the importance of my heart and performance as my child’s good example. And I have been pondering about it and pray to the Lord on high to seek His wisdom in guiding the precious child He blesses me with.

God’s Shining Glory

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Friday, 17 Dec 2010

Refer: Revelation 21:22-26 & Exodus 20:18-21

I went to Universal Studio at Resort World Sentosa with my husband and his sister, nephew, brother and sister in law. We played almost all the rides, just left two performances. Then we waited until 9:30pm to see the fireworks. It is my first time to see it glows before my very eyes. When it was exploding, my eyes couldn’t take it so with my right arm to cover my eyes.

How can I withstand God’s glory before my very eyes if He appears before me?

Especially now, I feel that my spiritual life is weak. Followed by my headache that never goes away. It gets worse as years passed by and even after giving birth.

Prayer: No matter what happens, O Lord, please help me in my weakness. Give me strength to obey Your will. In Your most precious Son’s name I ask. Amen.

Words by Dimple Shahri

Nothing is too much for me to bear compare to what Jesus had to bear for me.

As I give to others, I give God space to bless me.

If God can start something in your life, He really knows how to end it!

Jesus gave all so we can receive all.

When life seems hard and we feel like giving up, at least live for the One who died for you so u might live!

Jesus alway see us as winners not quitters!

Jesus believes in you when you don’t even believe in yourself.

One bird has a whole big massive field to eat from. Everywhere it goes, it sees abundance. What more us who are more precious than those birds. So open your eyes and see the abundance the Father has for you.

Sometimes we feel the enemy is running after us, maybe he is but we have to know where he is running… On a threadmill my friend. He can’t catch you or hold you. He will always remain a loser. God is good.

The days of my life is in the hands of God, so why should I be afraid! Jesus is with me.

God hears, sees and knows. Remember He gave those eyes, ears, and mind to you.

Devil.. don’t you dare mess around with me or you will be messy!
Inspired on: 2006
Where: Australia, Sydney