Tag Archives: children

Heartbroken Children’s Voices

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A pair of large steel scissor
Cut through
A branch

Seeking immediate remedy
Only to be disregarded
Anyway a broken branch is irreparable

Continue the breaking
Every broken branches
Shoots more arrows into my heart

Such sights
Tear two hearts into pieces
My son’s tears continuously roll down

Total broken pieces
Broken hearts and feelings

Fatherly figure tend to hurt
Children’s hearts
Motherly figure cares child’s heart

Earthly fathers
Why do you have to exasperate the child?
Thus impairs Abba Father’s heart

Earthly mothers
Why do you have to spoil child’s heart?
Thus gives wrong signal

Earthly parents and grandparents
Be more cooperative
Stop confusing the obedient children

Tojiru Yoshiko

Inspiration On: Wednesday, 10 February 2016

My dad sits on a chair and opens my son’s blue rainbow Doraemon umbrella. Suddenly, he removes the rainbow Doraemon design cloth. I thought he is repairing it. Suddenly, he breaks it. My son cries. I attempt to stop him from continuing to do so. He doesn’t care. My mum appears and is shocked. She quickly points that is not the spoilt umbrella. Then she takes out my spoilt blue umbrella. However, dad’s words towards my son are extremely hurtful, “You have many other favourite toys. This is nothing. Anyway one branch has been broken.” Cut another branch pieces. My son’s and my heart breaks. That’s so hurting. The more he breaks, the more my heart breaks. Is that how he did when I was young? He still says he wants his children to be united.

However, now I beg to differ. My siblings lack of cooperation is inherited from my parents’ siblings generation. When the Lord bless me through partnerships with the same vision, mission and values, I have to exercise partial judgment. My partners and I shouldn’t let our family members enter into the company to promote cooperative spirit and teamwork. Most family members tend to cause the downhill of cooperativeness. Can provide them financially, but not involved into the partnership company. I can only thank the Lord’s grace and mercy to find favour from the higher management corporate people including my business mentor.

At night, my dad quickly tells me that my son plays with ice cube. I immediately step into the kitchen and I question my son, “Do you play with ice cube?” He nods. Then he asks, “is there an evidence?” My heart aches. Again I question, he answers, “yes.” Instantly, I WhatsApp Uncle WY, “My heart aches when my dad tells me to confront my son for playing ice cube. He nods then begins to say, “is there an evidence?” Please pray for the Lord’s will be done. I feel so speechless.” I really surrender my husband to God. I give up to God. I want my son to grow to be strong in God’s values. In the end, after I repeatedly seek God to forgive then I confess to him that I’m the one who wants to die. I feel so much better. Then he compliments me for doing the right thing. Next he comforts me to laughter as the best medicine.

God bless you all for reading my poetry to minister. 

Blamed Perspectives

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Speak your opinion on this issue
I speak out
Only to be labeled selfish
Immediate suggest to overwrite
I relent out of care
Why should parents do so?

Oppressed Israelites wanted God to deliver
The Lord sent Moses and Aaron
Only to leave them alone
Immediate blamed them during harsher oppression
God delivered them out of Egypt
Why should the Israelites worship idols?
Provoke the Lord’s jealousy

Inspiration On: Sunday, 27 December 2015

In the morning, dad asks my opinion to cook the a vegetable to instruct the helper. My decision is to steam it. Immediately, he labels me selfish and blurts out his own opinion. Later, my son doesn’t like it. He never bothers to understand me. Then he suggests to use it for fried rice. I just reply that I’m okay with it. Does he ever care about my feelings? My son is overseas with his dad. Of course, I speak out my thinking when ask. I begin to see the main problem and many perspectives from this issue. Parents can’t stop voicing out their opinions onto their children due to going through many experiences. Pride seeps into their hearts. Jump to conclusion based on their sights. They have forgotten the importance to sit and listen to understand their own children.

After I do stretching from Kikuchi Taisou DVD, I begin to write. Writing is part of my discipline to improve my expression muscle. Noisy music comes out of my parents’ room. Suddenly, my dad stands at my door. He invites me to observe him to cook fried rice. I reply him later. Again he labels me and speaks that I won’t learn. Now, I see the reason parents and children fight against one another. Parents are eager to force their opinions to their children. If the child belongs to the opinionated category, they are labeled bad temper. Another category who is quiet, they are labeled for not being decisive. They care about their parents feelings. Yet the parents tend to demand their own ways.

All these help me to see from many perspectives. And also the reason I lose my concentration.

Thanks for reading my poetry and hope this poetry minister and bless you.

Do Wives Need to Work?

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This may pose a different light of the Bible to everyone. The question of women having career and work always intimidate the wives especially mothers. Even though it is wonderful to be with our children at home, I realize another element of the Bible often are laid aside. Proverbs 31, which is the Old Testament. May this impart wisdom to the women, soon to be wives and even mothers.

Do you believe in taking care of your parents financially and physically during their old age? My friends’ and my mothers are good examples and inspirations to my friends, siblings and I. Having enough money can

  1. Contribute to the house loan;
  2. Care our parents financially;
  3. Secondary income in case of husband unemployment.
  4. Touch wood in case husband passes away due to accident or sickness. Therefore, we need to pray for our husbands’ well being and protection. Our younger days were filled with the reality of the pangs of desperation. We have been observing the struggling widows making their ends meet to feed their children. Our parents discuss about the widows’ lifelong journey and succeed to care their children. This is a good news.

Then we can feed the children and provide them with good education to increase their employability skills.

Everyone, please read the Bible clearly who are at risk. The widows and the orphans. Does it mean the grown up children do not need to take care of our old aged parents who take care of us with love to grown ups? Remember who strengthen our feeble hands and legs during our younger days.

Some of my friends and my mothers work. When our dads are having a hard time to earn the money, our mothers use their money to provide for the family and continue our education. They can still help the poor who are in need. So that the poor can stand up and help others.

Does it mean wives no need to work? Please read and digest Proverbs 31 and share your feedback on this issue. I know this is the harsh facts of life I am sharing throughout my friends’ and my lives. It is the reality of life and we see God’s goodness and providence though we receive Christ in our late teens.

Many women of faith love to quote that earning money is the husbands’ responsibilities whereas house is the the wives’ responsibilities. Does this exempt them from helping financially? However, the book of proverbs 31 and my mother’s life inspire me. My bunch of friends have similar predicament too. Our mothers enable to continue our education from college to bachelor honours when our dads were going through financial difficulties. Our parents believe to equip us with the fishing rod instead of giving us the fishes. Their best efforts and fishes are spent to strengthen the feeble new generation. We thank The Lord for our parents and strive to be a blessings and inspire others. God bless you all for reading my poetry to minister.

Alphabetical Bullies

Alphabetical Bullies

Alphabetical Bullies

Inspiration On: Wednesday, 27 November 2013 at 7:45pm to Thursday, 28 November 2013 at 2:49am
Inspiration Ends On: Friday, 29 November 2013 at 9:48am

Being inspired with ant bully movie, I concluded my husband as insects and bugs bully. Recalling his young times, it seems disgusting to me for him to bully the insects and bugs he encountered. Remove cricket’s one leg then put back into the trees. Put fire onto a spider until its legs retract back and died. A brick to stomp onto a scorpion.

Then I was reminded of my brother during his primary days. A rat was locked in a trap cage. A stick inside the trap cage with a sharp end was used to sting the dark brown rat curiously. Though I asked him to stop, he continually sting it many times. I watched in horror in how it shrieked in pain until it stopped moving and ceased its breath. Such a gross sight.

All these sights and hearings mixed together and gives birth to this first acrostic poetry with the help from Yori. Reminding me of the book of Leviticus in the procedure to care the land God blesses. Leaving me speechless for D, E, O, Q, T, and U. When I think of the poor, there are downtrodden people. Leading me to the outcast.

God bless you all for reading my poetry to minister.


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Our most unexpected moment is
To be a mother
To nurture our little ones
To adulthood so that they will not err.

Inspiration On: Wednesday, 8 May 2013 at 1:18pm
Inspiration Ends On: Thursday, 9 May 2013 at 12:50am

Suddenly, “Most Unexpected Moment” produced the acronym of MUM. But it rings true to me upon reaching motherhood phase.


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Taking care of our babies to adulthood may seems a hassle
Though hassle, people and family also feels rewarding
Even our obedience to our Lord
May seems hard at times, but rewarding in time to come
And prevent us from inner and outer destruction
From the trap laid by the evil one
Who wants us to suffer with him in the abyss of fire.

Inspiration On: Friday, 3 May 2013 at 12:45am to 1:22am

“HR”, “HDR”, “Headache Rewarding” then “Headache But Rewarding” inspired me, while I was caressing my son to sleep. It was like the acronym then the definition came. Though taking care of my child is draining me, sometimes I feel rewarding whenever I was reminded of my family and friends told me that. HR stands for Human Resource department in the corporate world who are in charge of employing people. HDR stands for High Dynamic Range photography refers to the range of brightness levels that exist in a particular scene – from darkest – before complete and featureless black, to lightest – before complete featureless white according to http://www.luminous-landscape.com/tutorials/hdr.shtml.

A La Carte

A La Carte

A La Carte

1 Corinthians 13:11 (KJV)
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

Inspiration On: Wednesday, 10 April 2013 at 6:20pm
Inspiration Ends On: Monday, 22 April 2013 at 3:15pm

A la Carte is the definition of culinary arts. The expression A la Carte signifies a menu item that is priced individually, rather than as part of the meal. A la carte can also refer to a menu in which the items are thus presented. This is according to http://www.culinaryarts.about.com/od.glossary/g/A-La-Carte.htm.




What is the purpose of our existence?
What is the purpose of baby’s existence in a family?
Our purpose is to be
loved God’s love, experience His loving kindness, and glorify Him.
We have children is to shower our love for them.
God also loves us.
But what have we done?
Some abort babies, some abandon babies, and some abuse babies.
Doesn’t that break God’s heart?

Inspiration On: Monday, 11 March 2013 at 12:52pm

PE stands for Physical Exercise during our school days. But it also means humans physical existence.

Abandoned Babies Cry

Hearings and Help.
Living, and
Moaning in
Physical and Psychological Protection
Redeeming them,
Soothing them, and
To let them
Wonderings that produce
Xylem to
Zest and Zeal of life.

Jesus loves the little children.
How important is your child’s future?
Do you want them to walk in the way of the Lord or lost forever?

Inspiration On: Sunday, 2 February 2013 at 7:44pm
Inspiration Ends On: Monday, 18 February 2013 at 1:02am

Whenever I think of abandoned babies and see it from the newspaper, I feel that they have feelings. I hope to create the awareness that baby is innocent and in need of love from their parents and other people.




In olden days, painting on canvas was considered arts.
In painting and/or even photography, reality is depicted in a frame.
In olden days, art is much more profound when you enter the Catholic Church buildings.
Arts are used to visually explain of God’s redemption for the fallen mankind.
God’s love for us who are created in His image though we fall.

Philippians 4:6-9 (KJV)
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.

Inspiration On: Wednesday, 30 January 2013 at 8:35pm
Inspiration Ends On: Friday, 15 February 2013 at 3:57am

While I was accompanying my son to watch children’s animation, I feel challenged to define ‘art’. Animation, photography, film, paintings, dance, singing, music, etc are considered art. Even animations for adults and teenagers are also arts.




Junior College
A junior before entering college in knowledge learning.

Judicial Custody
Are you in custody of sin?

Jealously Caring
Do we jealously caring our young ones’ spiritual needs besides of physical and intellectual needs? So that they are mature and loving.
Are we jealous in caring our spiritual connections with our Lord Jesus Christ?

Jesus Christ
Is our heart rooted in Christ Jesus?

Inspiration On: Thursday, 31 January 2013 at 12:45am


Posted on

In the past,
Walk in the abyss of darkness
Walk in accordance of our upbringing
Walk in accordance to our flesh
Walk in accordance to our notions
Walk based from our emotions
Walk arrogantly.

Now, Receiving Christ,
Walk in God’s light
Walk worthily of the Lord
Walk in love
Walk as children of Light
Walk wisely
Walk in accordance to His will
Walk humbly before Him

By loving one another
Living peacefully
Living by caring for one another
In His light and strength.

Inspiration On: Monday, 26 November 2012 at 10:59am
Inspiration Ends On: Friday, 30 November 2012 at 2:07pm
Revised On: Saturday, 1 December 2012 at 11:18am

The book Ephesians 4-6 is the source of the above inspiration. Beginning with, “Walk worthily of the Lord, Walk in love, Walk as children of Light, Walk wisely” then the others came on Friday.

To Or Not To

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To spend or not to spend
To have or not to have
To think or not to think
To fight or not to fight
To overcome or not to overcome
To fly or not to fly
To jump or not to jump
To believe or not to believe my eyes and ears.

To spend our money or to save it
To have children or not to have
To think about our problems or not to think about it
To fight back to keep marriage intact or let it broken
To overcome our own darkest moments or not to do so
To board an airplane or not fearful of accident
To jump out of the wrecked ship or remain in it
To believe or not to believe the words we hear and the events we see with our eyes.

These are the questions and doubts
Which keep us in a dilemma?

No matter what happens
Let us overcome our obstacles in life
Praying to our Abba Father for wisdom and guidance
And to do what is right in His sight.
In His Son’s most beloved Name above all names.

Inspiration On: Thursday, 16 February 2012 at 4:57pm
Revised On: Thursday, 23 February 2012 at 1:14am

The above inspiration came as I was considering to buy USB fan at Challenger due to my fan was moved away by my husband for my toddler’s safety sake. As I pondered about this, many people are going through times

  1. Whether to spend their money
  2. Whether to have children
  3. Whether to solve their problems
  4. Whether to keep their marriage successful

This is because we are living in an imperfect world. So we can only seek God and seek His help.

Society Values

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Is freedom good for the youngsters?
Saturday, 1 January 2011

Refer: Exodus 4:5-10;5:28-30;6:6-8 (KJV)

When a teenager turns to 21 year old, they are considered adult and can make his/her own decisions. I observe that nowadays the society has changed a lot from olden days.

Olden days value the sanctity of marriage and a responsible living. This also teaches the younger generation to be more responsible in their actions and decisions. No abortion. Children are being valued as a gift. Children honour and obey their parents. The grown up children provide and take good care of their old parents.

Current society starts to allow dating couple to stay together and have intimate relationship outside married. They choose not to live with their parents. All they want is to break free from the authority figures. It is regarded independent of their parents. Not just that, they feel that they can do whatever they want. No one can restrict them. This may seem trivial to most people, but it may not be the case. Virginity is not being valued anymore. This also teaches people to be irresponsible in their marriage life and take it as a game. Divorces rate are increasing. That is why there are so many broken families. Children are hurt. More of them are abandoned. Abortion is accepted. Some mothers even murder their newly born babies. Not just that, more elderly home. Old parents are abandoned by their grown up child. The grown up child only thinks for themselves, instead of caring the old.

What is the society turning into?

In Deuteronomy 5:29 “O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever!” speaks about God’s heart. The reason of His commandments is meant for the well-being of ourselves and our future generations. Our authoritative figure who knows what is right and wrong may rebuke us when we are children, but it is meant for our own good. During young times, we feel restricted in what we do, but it is meant for our own good.

What I mean is not all conservative traditions are correct such as being superstitious. But their values about living, marriage, and commitment are good for us.

The best guidance for our lives can be found in God’s Word.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for letting me to grow up in a conservative family. I’m thankful for my parents to guide me with their value system. This shapes my value system and the decisions that I make. As I think back of my parents’ disciplines, now I’m thankful for it.